Roman architecture photographer Roberto Nadalin (www.robertonadalin.it) graduated in Political Science & International Relations from the Sapienza University in Rome with a thesis on the way photographic practices have been employed in political discourse throughout the years.
A visiting lecturer at Sapienza University, the Quasar Institute for Advanced Design and at the Universidad Major de San Simon (Cochabamba, Bolivia), Nadalin has been prolifically researching the history of Photography and its social significance, with a special focus on the role played by photographic archives in the identification and listing of cultural heritage assets. Among his other interests is also the close examination of photography techniques and printing materials.
Nadalin is a regular guest speaker at several symposiums and conferences in Italy and around the world where he gives presentations on his most recent research work. He has a wealth of experience in the field of editorial design, having curated a number of graphic and photo editing projects for a wide range of publications, and his photographs are frequently featured in leading architecture magazines to illustrate academic texts. He has recently started his own blog La Fotografia come atto politico (www.lafotograficomeattopolitico.it) and currently works in architecture and landscape photography.
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